I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the paring and trimming knife set which you sold me with my professional name on it. I know the item is a bit pricy, however, the estate work and real estate work which I do often, represents fees which are quite substantial. This makes the gratuity seem quite insignificant.
Ten or fifteen years ago I bought cheap paring knives and ice cream scoops from local Amish representative with my name on it. Since then, I have quite often seen the knife and/or scoop “surface” in church picnic. When I saw that I decided this has to be one of the most useful and permanent marketing items which will stay with the client. If you want results, put it in mom’s kitchen!
At first I thought distributing a hundred or so of the items may be a problem, but I do not think that will be the case! Thanks for the good idea.
Best regards,
Paul A. Miller